Friday, March 27, 2009

Must be the Y chromosome

I have a theory about the Y Chromosome, well not really a theory, just a list of annoying behaviors that all men seem to partake in. At first I thought it was just my husband, but no, it is all men. One of those behaviors is their addiction to their "peanuts". Why they are so obsessed I will never know, but as a mother of two boys, I can attest that this addiction is embedded in their brain, and not a learned behavior.

Subject 1: Aedan, the 3 year old, can't, seriously CAN'T leave his alone if his pants are off. At least it only happens when he is naked, and not all the time, but seriously, it is like there are magnets in his hands that draw them down there.

Subject 2: Corbin, 5 months, is so interested in the toy between his legs that the second his diaper comes off he has to check it out. This makes diaper changing and crotch cleaning very difficult! You have to hold hid arms down while trying to wrestle the child in and out of his clothes. The day he discovered it, he was so proud I almost took a picture. But I wouldn't do anything that embarrassing to my children.

They really can't help it, it is part of their Y chromosome defect!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Aedan!

Here he is the little monster/heart breaker!
Best big brother!
A year ago, turning 2!
Welcoming Daddy home from deployment at 18 months.
Gardening at 13 months...also known as eating dirt!

Happy first birthday little man! (This was taken just before his first birthday and I LOVE this photo-thanks Seth and Steph!)

His first smile.

Ahhh, me learning exactly what being a mommy is all about. I can remember thinking "I could stare at you all day"!

The trip home from the hospital, look at that little face!

From now to, I can't believe he is 3! My little baby is 3. It is totally amazing how fast they grow.
Happy birthday Aedan! Your momma loves you!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

As promised, the renovation photos!

Old hallway (after the small bathroom was done): New hallway!
Old "big" bathroom:

It's pretty isn't it? Almost like 1970 puked all over it huh?

New "big" bathroom!

Old "small" bathroom:
(This was taken after the sink and toilet were out...they were old, the sink was white, toilet was pink...just so you get a good idea.)

New "small" bathroom!

The trim is no longer laying against the wall like it is the photo above. The daddy and Grandpa finished the trim last week. Considering my husband ripped the sink and toilet out of the small bathroom when Corbin was 2 weeks old (on Nov 1) and did almost all of it himself (our awesome friend Bill came and did some dry wall for us) not too shabby huh?

"Mommy, where's your peanuts?"

Setting-the small bathroom, at 6:30AM, "Mommy" has just been woken up by a curious little creature, and has stumbled to the bathroom with her eyes half open

Aedan: Mommy, where's your peanuts?

Mommy: In the kitchen

Aedan: Your peanuts are in the kitch-den?

Mommy: Yes, in the cupboard.

A: Then how you pee pee now, without your peanuts?

M (light bulb moment): Oh, where's my PENIS! Mommy doesn't have a penis baby, she has a vagina

A: A bagina? (a pause, as an almost 3 year old tries to make sense of the world) So you keep your pee pee inside your bagina.

M: Yup.

A: Daddy has a peanuts. He keeps pee pee in his peanuts?

M: Yup. (still not awake, thinking it is way to early for an anatomy lesson) All boys have penises and all girls have vaginas.

A: Oh. What does Corbin have?

M: A penis, because he is a boy like you and daddy.

A: What does June bug have? And Johnny cat? And Unlce Jay? And Aunt Sharon? (He then goes through a list of everyone he knows asking if they have a peanuts or a bagina.)

So that's right Grandma, by 7:00AM he knew you had a bagina. Good morning!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Worst blogger...EVER!

I know I know...where the hell have I been right? I swear I am fine, and did not fall into a hole, although some days I really feel like I have! With company (two weeks + during the last 4) and getting everything ready for school (buying books, uniforms, registration, CPR class, a physical, shots and a drug test) plus taking care of the monsters, I have been swamped. I have a ton of cute little stories though, which I will be sharing in the next couple of days. The daddy is working nights and I think I have the baby going to sleep when the older one does. (No, it is not in his crib, and I really don't care where he sleeps, as long as he sleeps! For now I am happy to have my hands free for a couple hours a night.)

Oh, I failed to mention there was a birthday party thrown in there! My sweet Aedan will turn three, yes 3, as in 1, 2, 3, on Sunday. We celebrated last weekend (the daddy wasn't working) with some family and two of his adorable friends. Here are some highlights:

The cake, that I am super proud of! I wouldn't have been able to accomplish this without the help of my mother in law-thank you Mary Ann!

I love that he has cake all over his face, and his goggles on funny. This was an improvement over the goggles being on upside down however!

The NEW workbench, which kept all the boys busy (see below)

He wouldn't smile while making pizza, apparently it is very important business!

All hands on deck! If you want to keep 3 preschoolers entertained at a birthday party, buy a workbench, not only can they play with it, but you can put them to work!

That is all I am going to share, like I said I have some hilarious stories to share (here are some teasers, they are all about the bathroom and my children's anatomy, you start imagining), and I promise to get to those this weekend. Some days I really swear I can't wait until school starts and I actually have some time to myself. Is that wrong?