Saturday, March 21, 2009

"Mommy, where's your peanuts?"

Setting-the small bathroom, at 6:30AM, "Mommy" has just been woken up by a curious little creature, and has stumbled to the bathroom with her eyes half open

Aedan: Mommy, where's your peanuts?

Mommy: In the kitchen

Aedan: Your peanuts are in the kitch-den?

Mommy: Yes, in the cupboard.

A: Then how you pee pee now, without your peanuts?

M (light bulb moment): Oh, where's my PENIS! Mommy doesn't have a penis baby, she has a vagina

A: A bagina? (a pause, as an almost 3 year old tries to make sense of the world) So you keep your pee pee inside your bagina.

M: Yup.

A: Daddy has a peanuts. He keeps pee pee in his peanuts?

M: Yup. (still not awake, thinking it is way to early for an anatomy lesson) All boys have penises and all girls have vaginas.

A: Oh. What does Corbin have?

M: A penis, because he is a boy like you and daddy.

A: What does June bug have? And Johnny cat? And Unlce Jay? And Aunt Sharon? (He then goes through a list of everyone he knows asking if they have a peanuts or a bagina.)

So that's right Grandma, by 7:00AM he knew you had a bagina. Good morning!

1 comment:

Ginger said...

Don't you just love it when they catch you off guard that early in the morning? Alexis found my tampons today and asked what they were. I gave her a straight forward answer, developmentally appropriate of course and hoped she'd move on. Instead, she asked me, "Are you sure they don't go in your butt?" Gotta love 3 year olds!