I have a theory about the Y Chromosome, well not really a theory, just a list of annoying behaviors that all men seem to partake in. At first I thought it was just my husband, but no, it is all men. One of those behaviors is their addiction to their "peanuts". Why they are so obsessed I will never know, but as a mother of two boys, I can attest that this addiction is embedded in their brain, and not a learned behavior.
Subject 1: Aedan, the 3 year old, can't, seriously CAN'T leave his alone if his pants are off. At least it only happens when he is naked, and not all the time, but seriously, it is like there are magnets in his hands that draw them down there.
Subject 2: Corbin, 5 months, is so interested in the toy between his legs that the second his diaper comes off he has to check it out. This makes diaper changing and crotch cleaning very difficult! You have to hold hid arms down while trying to wrestle the child in and out of his clothes. The day he discovered it, he was so proud I almost took a picture. But I wouldn't do anything that embarrassing to my children.
They really can't help it, it is part of their Y chromosome defect!
I have a theory. Maybe they itch? Because yes, they constantly seem to need to move them around, tug them, shove them. If I handled my boobs as much as they handle their berries I'd be committed as a sicko!
Oh man! It's so true! Gabe's not as into it as Julian is, but yes, it's totally something that they are! LOL!
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